Actor Akshay Dandekar, renowned for his portrayal of SI Amol Jadhav in the series "Keh Doon Tumhein" (KDT), produced by Vajra Productions, expresses his excitement for the show's unique and captivating storyline in the thriller genre.
The title "Keh Doon Tumhein" was thoughtfully chosen, drawing inspiration from a popular Hindi song. Akshay elaborates, stating, "It encapsulates the dilemma faced by our lead character, Vikrant Deshmukh, also known as Sarkar, portrayed by Mudit Nayar. It essentially means 'should I reveal the secret or not?' Sarkar holds numerous concealed truths, particularly from Kirti Shukla, and the narrative revolves around how he guards these secrets."
This thriller marks Akshay's second venture in the genre, following his previous role in the Hindi thriller film "Fashion House." In "Keh Doon Tumhein," he takes on the role of SI Amol Jadhav, a laid-back, food-loving police officer who plays a pivotal role in Sarkar's ability to perpetrate serial murders. Akshay's off-screen persona stands in stark contrast to his character, describing himself as a serious and introverted individual, but he relishes portraying the humorous character of Jadhav on screen.
The picturesque backdrop of Panchgani enhances the overall experience for Akshay. He enthuses, "Panchgani is a stunning hill station, boasting soothing weather year-round. We are yet to experience the extreme cold of winters, which I'm sure will be enjoyable. Moreover, on our days off, our group explores the surroundings, sharing our adventures on our Instagram profiles."
Working with Vajra Production for the first time, Akshay appreciates the support and camaraderie of the production team. He remarks, "We don't feel homesick as this place has become our second home."
The show has garnered positive acclaim, providing motivation for Akshay to deliver his best performance. He underscores the gripping plot that has captivated audiences from the very first episode, setting "Keh Doon Tumhein" apart from other thrillers.
Reflecting on the evolution of the television industry, Akshay observes, "The creation of TV shows has undergone a significant transformation, with Indian Television successfully striving to match the quality of content to cater to a sophisticated audience that consumes global content on their mobile devices."
He acknowledges that daily soaps demand hard work, patience, perseverance, and dedication to meet the discerning tastes of today's viewers. Ultimately, TV is a fundamental necessity, designed to offer both entertainment and relaxation, akin to a high-quality bar of soap.
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